Zero Waste Stall launches in Ross-on-Wye
The Zero Waste Stall, part of the Ross Food Hub, officially launched yesterday, Wednesday 25th November.
Fresh items, which are close to their sell by date, are collected from food stores in the Ross area. The food is free and is available to anyone, whether you want to cut down on food waste or reduce your produce costs.
The Zero Waste Stall will be at the Community Garden in Old Gloucester Road, Wednesday-Friday 10.30am-12 noon.
A spokesperson said: “We are delighted that Morrisons, Aldi and Co-op are already helping us with this, and the wonderful people at Enviroability are helping collect produce. We are working in partnership with Ross Food Larder and Ross Community Development Trust. The stall is also a hub where you can drop items off as well. So if you have food you won’t use, or growing something next year that you have too much of, we would love to receive.”
If you would like to volunteer for a few hours, to either collect produce or help at the stall or would like further information, please contact
The Ross Food Hub, is a local community group wanting to help people access fresh vegetables and fruit. They want to support people with cooking skills and meal ideas and see a reduction in food waste locally.
They want to work with growers and retailers to focus more on local, seasonal and organic crops and reduce the carbon footprint of food, and to encourage as many people as possible to grow their own, to work with growers, allotment holders etc and to share produce if possible.
If you would like further information please email: