Vaccination programme gets underway at JKHS
John Kyrle High School welcomed staff from Taurus Healthcare, the GP Federation for Herefordshire, who have been working with all GP surgeries in the county and other healthcare partners to deliver a successful COVID vaccination programme.
The team was visiting JKHS as the vaccination programme for 12-15 year olds got underway in Herefordshire. Around 500 students will have had their vaccination over the course of the three days that the team were at the school.
JKHS was the first school in Herefordshire to take part in the programme. Tina Halling, Operations Manager for Taurus Healthcare, said: “We have enjoyed working with such lovely students here at John Kyrle and the staff have organised the days really well. We are grateful to JKHS for being the first school we have visited and our experience here has been very valuable in helping shape how we do things at the next schools.”
Dave Boyd, operational headteacher at JKHS said: “it has been a pleasure to have the Taurus team here. They have helped students get their vaccinations with great care and dignity.”
Taurus Healthcare, on behalf of Herefordshire GP Practices, is coordinating the roll-out of vaccination programme to all high schools in Herefordshire with jabs being offered to pupils in educational settings in the forthcoming weeks.