Ross Sports Centre reopens following flood damage
The Sports Centre reopened on Friday 4th July following a long closure after the extensive damage from the record floods in 2020.
Ross Sports Centre CIC worked alongside Ross Town Council and Herefordshire Council to ensure this vital community hub got back on its feet, and thanks to a substantial grant from Herefordshire Council this was made possible. Funding from the National Lottery Community Fund paid for the refurbished kitchen.
Local companies were contracted to carry out the work, making it a real community project.
As well as much needed flood defences, the new clubhouse now has a larger bar, new range of local produce and drinks too sell, an outside table area, unisex changing rooms and bathrooms and a larger club room. There is a brand new speaker system and televisions, commercial kitchen, and a disabled access toilet is to follow. The whole building has been completely refurbished and looks fantastic.
A spokesperson said: “Thanks is owed to so many particularly Herefordshire County Council, Ross Town Council, Councillor Louis Stark, Herefordshire Community Foundation, High Sheriff Tricia Thomas, Paul Deneen, Colin Birks, Joyce Thomas, Football Foundation, Westons Cider, Wye Valley Brewery, Herefordshire FA and the National Lottery.
“Thank you especially for the money donated last February through the Just Giving club page. This money has ensured we can finish the project and reopen, without it the CIC could not have done it.”