Ross-on-Wye Town Carnival 2021 cancelled

In a statement issued today by the Carnival Committee they have confirmed that this year’s Ross-on-Wye Town Carnival has been cancelled.
The statement said: “It is with much sadness that we have decided to cancel this year’s Ross Town Carnival until Saturday 6th August 2022. In light of what have been facing there is no option but to hold off until next year as so many aspects of the Carnival take a lot of planning and work by the Committee and all of the participants that make the Carnival what it is. Therefore we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Ross Carnival supporters and let’s make 2022 a Carnival like no other! Why not spend some time designing a parade entry for next year and we will be looking for new Committee members and Stewards. Please share this post. #handsfacespace #staysafe #rosscarn22 Andrew Buffrey – Ross Carnival Chair”