John Kyrle music teacher to retire after almost 25 years

Deb Blake, head of the music department at John Kyrle High School is retiring next week after almost 25 years at the school.
Headteacher, Nigel Griffiths, said: “Deb is a fantastic teacher and colleague. It has been a pleasure to work with her. She has inspired many hundreds of students during her career at JKHS. This incudes talented and novice musicians and performers. Her contributions to classroom learning and extra-curricular activities are appreciated at school and within the wider community.
“Under Deb’s leadership the department added music technology to the curriculum. This has broadened students’ learning experiences and offered even more opportunities for performance. Many of her students have gone on to study music at university and have had successful careers in the music industry, including in performance, recording and music production.
“Deb tells me she isn’t retiring but rather rewiring! I know she will keep in touch with us and I look forward to hearing of her plans for the future.
“I want to thank Deb for the fabulous contribution she has made to John Kyrle.”
Murray Alston, Chair of Trustees added his thanks to Deb who has over the years taught his own three children and helped instil in them a love of music, particularly for the piano and brass instruments. He went on to say: “Deb’s dedication and commitment to teaching are typical of John Kyrle staff.”
Photo: Murray Alston; Deb Blake; Alex Davis; Deb’s successor as head of music and Nigel Griffiths