Children enjoy developing new skills thanks to the Edenstone Foundation

A playgroup in Ross–on–Wye has been building homes with new toys thanks to funding from a nearby property developer.
Ross Preschool Playgroup successfully applied to the Edenstone Foundation for funding for outdoor toys to help with children’s learning and development, including their motor skills.
Manager Vicki Page explained: “We’re a charity-based playgroup looking after 37 children aged two to four. We rely on fundraising and donations. With help from the Edenstone Foundation, we purchased dominos to assistthe children’s number recognition, as well as changing channel frames and a large Polydron set that can be used to build 3D shapes.
“The children have loved lining the dominos up, counting the dots on each tile and matching up the dots. We have been building boxes, towers and houses out of the Polydron set. The children have worked really hard on which pieces fit together and are coming up with new shapes every time we play with them. The changing channel frame has many different uses, we have used little balls to go down the funnels and in the warmer weather we will be exploring with water play.”
Based in the Larruperz Centre, the playgroup is less than two miles from St Mary’s Garden Village, a community of 290 homes being shaped by the Edenstone Group.
The Edenstone Foundation funding for the playgroup follows on the success of St Mary’s Garden Village as the Foundation receives a proportion of the proceeds from every home sold by the Edenstone Group to support good causes.
Clare Price, from the Edenstone Foundation, said: “We’re proud to be able to share in the success of our developments like St Mary’s Garden Village by supporting good causes locally. It was great to visit Ross Preschool Playgroup and see the toys we’ve provided being put to good use by the children. Who knows, perhaps some of them will be inspired to further develop the skills they’ve learned so far and build a career in the construction industry.”
For more information about the Edenstone Foundation see