Brampton Abbotts Primary School help residents at Ross Court celebrate Halloween
Residents of Ross Court Retirement home will be celebrating Halloween with a party in their home on Saturday 31st October. They are looking forward to a few games such as, guess the number of sweets in the jar, Trick or Treat blind tasting and pumpkin Bowling!
Sadly Covid dictates that they are unable to invite anyone into the home to help them celebrate.
Residents of Ross Court want to maintain their contact with the community around them as much as possible and invited two classes from Brampton Abbotts Primary School to take part in a competition, where students were asked to decorate a picture of a pumpkin. Residents were so impressed with all of the entries. The children had clearly taken a lot of time to come up with their wonderful designs. Residents gathered in the conservatory to carry out judging the entries, which was not an easy task as all of the pictures were amazing.
With much deliberation, the residents finally decided on a winner from each class. Imogen from Class 1 and Warren from Class 2! Lindsey Chaabouni, Activities Coordinator for Ross Court carried out a socially distanced visit to Brampton Abbotts on Thursday 22nd October to present a Halloween gift bag to the two lucky winners.
Mr Michael Lines, Co resident Ambassador of Ross Court said “We want to thank Brampton Abbotts and the children of class 1 and 2 for taking part, it was a very successful venture and brought a lot of enjoyment to the home to see all of the children’s great pictures.”
Residents are looking forward to using all the entries to decorate Ross Court for their Halloween party.