Rising number of Covid-19 cases in the county

Herefordshire Council has written to residents regarding the rising number of Covid-19 infections in the county stating “if we all do the right thing, we can stop the spread of infection.”
In the letter they ask everyone to follow the Covid-19 guidance to stop the spread and to keep businesses open, keep people in jobs, and keep people safe. This follows a statement released earlier this week, with Herefordshire Council stating: “We will need to go into restrictions if we get to 100 cases per 100k. Please keep following the basics – wash your hands, cover your face, and make space.”
To date Herefordshire has seen a total number of 64 COVID-19 related deaths at hospitals since the pandemic started. As of yesterday the total number of cases of the virus recorded in the county since the start of the outbreak was 1,471.
The letter says: “We are now seeing a big increase in infections, outbreaks and people requiring hospital care – and very sadly deaths are again rising due to Covid-19.
“Covid-19 does not only place older people at risk. Covid-19 has tragically caused deaths of younger people too, and of great concern, many people of all ages are affected by ‘long-Covid’, a range of prolonged conditions that can last for months, possibly becoming permanent chronic conditions.”
The letter continues: “If we all do the right thing, we can turn around the rising spread of infection. We will save businesses, save jobs and above all – save lives.”
The letter in full: