An update on the local COVID-19 situation from Dr Simon Lennane
An update on the local COVID-19 situation from Dr Simon Lennane, Primary Care Network Clinical Director:
We continue to see very few new cases of coronavirus locally, roughly one per day at present in Herefordshire, showing that social distancing and other measures are working. GP practices and hospitals are working hard to restart more routine activity, while ensuring we keep our patients and staff safe.
Stringent infection control measures are being put in place to enable us to see more patients face to face and clinicians will continue to work remotely where appropriate, using telephone or video consulting to reduce the chance of spreading the virus. It is however very important that we remain ready to react to any outbreaks.
Testing is now available to all, and anyone with symptoms should have a swab for Covid-19. These tests are not 100% accurate, and some cases will be missed, so anyone with symptoms (high fever, dry persistent cough or new loss of smell) should be prepared to isolate even if the swab is negative. The swab is still useful to understand the spread and allow contact tracing, which is the best way to stop a more widespread outbreak.
Ongoing advice is that face coverings are worthwhile when in public and are now mandatory on public transport as of Monday 15th June. Coverings protect people around you, so they are most effective when everyone wears them when out and about. This, along with continued regular handwashing and social distancing measures, means we can reduce the spread of Covid-19 significantly.
Further information on arranging a Covid-19 test is available online at . Those still having to isolate or shield will be able to access food & medication deliveries through the Ross Good Neighbours Scheme (RGNS) by contacting them on their dedicated message line – 01763 802046.
For further information on the RGNS and other services available, please log onto the website at