Wyetots raise funds for Breast Cancer Now

Today, Tuesday 20th, and on Thursday 22nd October, Wyetots Childcare will be holding a dancathon in aid of Breast Cancer Now.
It is wear it pink week all week with dressing up pink, facepainting and biscuit decorating. The dancathon will be 20 minutes of all things tiny pop.
They are holding this event to raise money for their Wyetots friend, Lisa Jane South, who has her final treatment after an 18 month battle with breast cancer.
A Wyetots spokesperson told Ross-on-line: “We really appreciate everything Lisa does for us, so we wanted to hold an event in her honour while raising funds for a fantastic cause. Artys Aromas have donated the collection pots and done a raffle, which has already raised in excess of £100. If anyone wishes to donate to the cause please visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/lisa-south2?utm_source=facebook
“Lisa will be our guest of honour today (Tuesday), watching some body popping and breakdancing at social distance in the kitchen.”
To read more about Lisa’s journey visit: https://cancercareparcel.co.uk/main/stay-positive/