Walford Parish community Calendar 2021
Walford Parish Council established the Walford Community Support Scheme in April 2016 to provide support to vulnerable members of the the Walford Parish.
The Scheme employs a Co-ordinator, Be Mackintosh, and aims to tackle challenging and demographically relevant issues such as loneliness and isolation. These issues have been particularly challenging during the current Coronavirus pandemic.
Walford Parish Council together with the Walford Community Support Scheme collaborated with Walford Primary School to produce a 2021 Community Calendar delivered to every household in the parish via Dawley Services.
The pupils at Walford Primary School were set the challenge during October half term to take a photograph in Walford Parish, the photos were then judged by a member of the Ross Photographic Society with the twelve winning photos being chosen to be in the calendar. The judge was amazed at the quality of all the photographs taken and felt the children had really embraced the challenge.
Monica van Lienden, Chair of Walford Parish Council, and Be Mackintosh, Co-ordinator of the Walford Community Support Scheme, had the pleasure of presenting the competition winners with a calendar and book token at Walford Primary School alongside Headteacher, Ms George, and project leader, Claire Weyman.
Dawley Services of Ross-on-Wye provided an outstanding service – packing, labelling and sending the calendars to all households in Walford.