New fund for investment in local skills and employment opportunities

Herefordshire has been chosen as one of 100 places across the UK to receive funding through the government’s £220m UK Community Renewal Fund, for investment in skills development, communities, businesses and improve local employment opportunities.
The county has been highlighted as a priority place for investment based on an index of economic resilience across Great Britain, which measures productivity, household income, unemployment, skills and population density.
Investment and support that is tailored to address the challenges faced at a local level is essential to tackle disadvantage, ensure that everyone has the skills they need to take advantage of the opportunities available and enable local economic growth.
With up to £3m available for investment locally, Herefordshire Council (as the designated lead authority) is inviting voluntary and community sector organisations, education providers and business groups to submit proposals for innovative pilot projects that address local challenges, develop skills and support people into work.
Any organisation interested in submitting a proposal should visit the council website at or email for further information on the application process.
The council will assess all submitted applications and shortlisted proposals will be submitted to the government in June for approval. Approved projects will be delivered between Autumn 2021 and March 2022.
Further information about the UK Community Renewal Fund can be found on the website: