JKHS student achieves impressive Spanish GCSE grade
Posted On September 10, 2020

Daisy Davies, a Year 8 student at John Kyrle High School, has achieved an impressive grade 8 in Spanish GCSE this summer. She had previously lived in Spain and completed her primary school studies in Spanish.
She was passionate about sitting her GCSE early to secure the qualification, and to ensure she did not lose any of her Spanish – she sat both sets of Year 11 mocks in the sports hall with the whole of the Year 11 cohort, an incredibly brave thing for a Year 7 to do!
She worked hard outside of school to sit additional papers, as well as after school and lunchtime sessions to hone in on exam technique.
Helen Bolt, head of the Modern Foreign Languages Dept. said: “This is a brilliant achievement for Daisy which shows outstanding dedication. We are extremely impressed and proud!”