Headteacher’s well-being check on new students
This week John Kyrle High School’s headteacher, Nigel Griffiths, met with a group of new Year 7 students to find out how they had settled in at John Kyrle. He, and the staff who accompanied him, also wanted to listen to any suggestions on how they could make John Kyrle even better.
All students said they were enjoying John Kyrle. They said they felt safe, had made new friends and were enjoying their subjects. While all had enjoyed primary school, they were finding the move up to ‘big school’ exciting.
Mr Griffiths said this was a ‘brains and drains’ meeting. He wanted to talk about all aspects of school life. This included academic subjects, friendships, toilets and buses. Mr Griffiths said he was pleased with all that students had told him. He wanted to pass his thanks to the headteachers and staff at the many primary schools who send students to John Kyrle for the excellent way they had prepared students.
Head of Lower School, Trixie Clarke said: “This meeting, along with the vote of confidence from Ofsted last week, was another tick in the ‘Happy, Healthy, Successful’ box for JKHS.”