School Council meeting at John Kyrle

JKHS student representatives from all year groups met on Friday 26th March for a socially-distanced school council meeting. At JKHS the meeting is always chaired by the head prefects. Elin Havard and Dominic Croad are this years’ chairs.
Headteacher, Nigel, Griffiths, welcomed the group. He praised the ways students had returned to school, including how well they had approached over 3 000 covid tests across two weeks. Mr Griffiths asked that his thanks be shared via student representatives. He also passed on his thanks to the students for how they had adapted to the ‘bubbling’ procedures in school. Mr Griffiths said these would be relaxed as soon as is safely possible.
Also present at the meeting was a representative of Alliance in Partnership who provide school meals,and site manager Andrew James. They attend most meetings to take questions from students and listen to their ideas.
Mr James reported that the one-way system in place around the school had been working well. He informed the group there would be a refurbishment of the upper school girls’ toilets in May.
The students then discussed the content of Personal, Social and Health Education (at JKHS these are referred to as Happy, Healthy, Successful sessions). It was felt that there was comprehensive coverage of a range of issues. Students enjoyed the Weekly Well-Being Updates which formed a key part of students’ learning experience.
One student in year 8 said that teachers and admin staff had worked hard during lockdown to help students and that they hadn’t really been thanked! School council agreed and wished also to thank site managers, cleaners and canteen staff.