Ross-on-Wye couple head to Ukraine on mission to bring home two British men
Katie Fowler and her husband Neil, founders of Ross-on-Wye for Ukraine, are making their fourth trip back to Ukraine this week to help bring home two British men who have been fighting on the front line.
Katie, who owns and runs Kts Craft Warehouse, will also be delivering aid which has kindly continued to be donated at the shop. This trip will make it the 26th shipment of aid that Ross-on-Wye for Ukraine has sent out.
The trip begins at 6am on Wednesday where they will travel to Romania and then cross into Ukraine. With the situation in the country remaining very volatile Katie and Neil will take every precaution necessary to ensure their safety.
The men they are picking up have been fighting on the front line with Ukrainian soldiers since March, and have been in the Donbas area for the past four months. During their time the men helped make sure the body of another British man who was fighting in Ukraine, Craig Mackintosh, who died on 24th August, was returned to his family.
Katie said: “I made a promise to certain people in Ukraine to get them out if anything bad happened. My trip this time will be short as no where is safe in Ukraine at the moment.”
Donations continue to be accepted at Kts Craft Warehouse at the bottom of Edde Cross Street, with food and medical supplies is constant need.
If you would like to donate towards fuel costs please visit: