NEWS | Polling Stations are now OPEN as Herefordshire voters choose who they want to represent them in the local elections
Polling stations across Herefordshire are now open, as Herefordshire voters choose who they want to represent them in the local elections.
Polling stations will remain open from 7am-10pm, with voters reminded that they will need to take ID with them to be allowed to vote.
All 53 district wards and 133 parish/town councils will hold elections for new members.
If you are voting in person you must vote at the designated polling station for your local election and remember to take your voter ID.
Your polling station is shown on the poll card information you received in the post. You do not have to take your poll card with you to vote. You cannot use your poll card as voter ID.
Check your polling station –
The deadline to return a postal vote is 10pm on polling day, Thursday 4 May.
If you have missed the post, you can hand deliver a completed postal pack to your local polling station by 10pm on Thursday 4 May.
Find out who’s standing for election in your area –
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