Horse killed in hit and run in Newent

A horse has been killed and the rider has been hospitalised following a hit and run in Newent.
Appeals have been posted all over social media asking for help to identify the driver or any witnesses. The incident happened at 4pm on Monday 7th March near to the Birds of Prey Centre.
The vehicle, which is believed to be a Vauxhall Astra van MK5, was found burnt out a short time after the incident.
A post on Facebook said: “Tonight we lost a beautiful horse because of someone’s wreckless driving. Nothing will bring him back or replace him but the driver has to be found and held responsible for their actions
“Around 4pm today near the birds of prey centre, Newent, the horse and rider were hit.
“Almost minutes after the car was seen in flames on Cliffords Mesne road tucked into the woods. Clearly the driver knew how serious it was to immediately torch their car, must have been carrying petrol as no time to go to garage, and they had taken their number plate off so made every effort to cover up.
“The driver was seen walking away in hi viz. There were Newent golf club clubs in the car. They don’t sell branded clubs anymore so a long standing member. Looks like fluorescent stripes on the boot.
“Vauxhall Astra van mk5. Somebody must know who this is.
“Rider is okay, except absolutely devastated. This just can’t happen again. We all see the posts and don’t realise how real of a problem it still is until it happens to someone we know
”There is a heartbroken livery and family, and 2 girls that cried their eyes out holding the horse at the vets.”
Due to the graphic nature, Ross-on-line has decided not to share the images of the injured horse.
If you have any information please contact the Police on 101.
Ross-on-line has contacted the Police for comment.